Pandemic-Proof Your Business

Pandemic-Proof Your Business

Some of you may not be be affected by the Coronavirus situation at all, some of you may be just a little bit freaked out, and some of you need practical help right away. Are you finding that your business needs to make drastic changes in order to keep going? Are you planning on sending employees home to work? How can you safely keep in contact with clients, customers or contractors?

WorkFlow Assistants has been a virtual company since Day One. We have facilitated hundreds of online meetings, helped train thousands of employees and touched a truly staggering number of documents, all while never meeting any of those folks in person or actually touching a piece of paper. We can show you how to do that, too.

Here are some ways that we can help:

  • Getting you up and running with technologies and resources to make your business virtual. There are a lot of bewildering choices to communicate, share files and work remotely with clients and team members.
  • Producing training materials, manuals and presentations to help your teams and customers adapt to doing business in a virtual world.
  • Keeping you up to date with relevant tech developments. For instance, right now, Microsoft Teams has a six-month free trial. (Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration.) LinkedIn has a number of free courses on how to work remotely and Google is offering the Premium version of Hangouts for free until July. If you need help getting up and running with any of these applications, give us a call.
  • Moving to an online selling platform – start to finish, from setting up a WordPress website to help with marketing online.
  • Setting up a Facebook group or other online forum to talk with and/or train clients.
  • Recording how you do routine or normal tasks to ensure contingency. There are procedures for this and we can get you started.
  • Mass-communicating with customers or clients to let them know what you are doing. Are you closing and if so, until when? Are you staying open but taking safety measures and, if so, what are they? Are you cancelling events?
  • Blogging. If you can’t see your clients face-to-face right now, writing a blog can keep you and your business in their headlights. We can help you set that up – and if you’re not a writer, just give us a topic or some notes and we will take it from there.
  • Moving meetings online.
  • Creating protocols on how to safely perform a task, such as make deliveries, to help keep your employees safe.
  • Holding online classes, tutorials or consulting sessions.

It’s how businesses act and react during these times that people will remember afterward. If you can successfully communicate with your employees and your customers, safely back up and store your records, and keep your employees’ productivity happening, you’ll be in a good position to seamlessly reintegrate back into normal business practices when this crisis has passed.

Stay safe, friends.

WorkFlow Assistants

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